Our studios

  • Studio 1

    Size: 38 feet by 45 feet (14 meters by 9 meters)

    Features: Equipped with a sprung floor, large mirrors, a sound system, and air conditioning. Tables and chairs are available on request, making it versatile for various uses including dance rehearsals and performance preparations​

  • Studio 2

    Size: 38 feet by 30 feet (12 meters by 9 meters)

    Features: Includes a sprung floor, large mirrors, a sound system, and tables and chairs upon request. This studio also boasts a luxury seating area, ideal for castings and auditions​

  • Studio 3

    Size: 20 feet by 46 feet (14 meters by 6 meters)

    Features: Like the other studios, it has a sprung floor, large mirrors, a sound system, and air conditioning. It also offers tables and chairs on request, catering to various needs from dance rehearsals to workshops and courses​

Let’s work together.

To find out more about the availability of our studios, to make a booking, or for more information please fill the following form.